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Wednesday 25 May 2011

Innovate, innovate, innovate!

Albert Einstein once said 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.' - A simple truth that can easily be forgotten in day to day life.

Innovation is introducing a new idea, it brings new results.
If we are not innovating on a daily basis in our personal lives and our professional lives, then nothing changes. If you want to change something, you have to innovate or you are... insane. Simple enough a concept to grasp but as anyone who has ever innovated anything will know, it can be anything but simple... as it comes with a risk.

The risk is that there is no track record you can refer to and there are no guarantees when pioneering something truly new. You are going to find out once you take the step and not before. The results may be different... and you may find change... but it may not be the one you were looking for. This, I think is one of the main reasons people are afraid to try new ideas.

But I say "Innovate, innovate, innovate!' If you do not succeed the first time, learn and try again. After all we only have one life and if we are not willing to risk a little in the hope of gaining much then we are cowards! Do not deny yourself the privilege of pioneering something truly original because you have failed or worse yet... feared you would.

As Thomas Edison bellowed to his critics: 'I did not fail 1000 times, I learned 999 ways a lightbulb will not work'

Be inspired and innovate where you want to see change!